Thursday, May 24, 2007

Birth.....a misery ?

Good day

We were on the first step to achieve the ultimate happiness, i.e, To identify the causes of our suffering, the main problems.
Then we talked about the four miseries that affect everyone, viz: Birth, Death, Old Age & Disease.

Let us now understand how these are the main problems of our lives, which need to be eradicated.

1. Birth.
Most people would probably fall off their chair after reading this.
You must be thinking, "How can someone call the miracle of birth, a happy arrival, beginning of a new journey a problem. How rude and how stone hearted ?"

Its not me who says its a problem. Its Krishna. What to do? He's our creator he must be knowing and must be saying the right thing.
Let us understand how this seemingly happy note is a problem. A birth in a family may be a joyous situation for the family members. But let us see it from the point of view of the person who's born.

Imagine a person is locked inside a dark room for some time. and when the door opens he comes out crying. What would be the rational conclusion ? It would be logical and rational to think that the person must have undergone some serious trouble/ beating/agony.

Now see a baby who is just born. It cries and screams like anything. After 9 months staying in the dark womb of a mother. The womb, 1a mucous filled place, 2close to the organs storing body's waste product. The embryo is attached just below the stomach, which gets 3heated up due to digestion of food.
Moreover the embryo is attached in an 4inverted position. The consciousness develops in the initial weeks after conception. Undergoing so much agony, the baby faints again and again. The situation is so miserable that it can't do anything about it, but just pray for getting out of that hell hole.

Someone may rightly say, so what if we underwent so much pain, we don't remember anything.
Its like if I break that person's nose right now, 10 yrs down the lane he wont remmber the pain either. That doesnt mean that undergoing the pain is OK, if we forget it later.
Similarly the birth of a person is the most painful event in one's eternal journey.

I for one would never like to undergo such 3rd degree hellish torture.The question is Would You ?

To be contd......

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