Thursday, May 24, 2007

Death....will it come for me too ?

After knowing the torture of birth, let us proceed to the the 2nd problem of our life.

2. Death

Well, i dont think I need to elaborate on this one much. Because pretty much everyone considers it to be a puzzling problem.
Everyone at one point of life thinks "Why do we have to die ?"

Almost everyone is afraid of death. Why? because that is percieved to be the end of life. The life which we so carefully try to mould according to our fancies. So that we may derrive the maximum pleasure from it. And there's nothing wrong about it. But the amazing thing is we all forget our own impending death even though we see death all around us. Death in news, death in neighborhood, and death in our own family. Such a sad and depressing event, when we lose our near & dear ones. But this forgetfulness is a separate topic and would be dealt likewise.

Coming back to the problem of death. We'll understand it from two perspectives.

(i) Shastric view
In Garuda purana, the detailed experience of death is described. The living entity at the time of leaving the gross body, feels pain that can't be imagined. Its described the pain one experiences is equivalent to 10,000 of snake bites and 10,000 scorpio stings. Probably its right, we cant imagine it. So its best to forget about what we cannot percieve. but thats not a very intelligent proposition.

(ii) Rational view
Remember the last time when you lost a near one. The unimaginable heart ache you felt. Remember the last relationship that broke due to some reason ? How bad it felt to have lost all that in which u invested emotionally ? When you just prayed god for strength and courage to get you through this unbearable pain.
Now this was just one relation that caused you so much trouble/agony/misery.

At the time of death, that inevitable eventuality, a person loses all the relationships and near ones at one stroke. Its like the pain experienced in the above situation multiplied by the number of things and people dear to us. oh! God how can you make me suffer this unbearable, unthinkable pain. How will i tolerate the loss of my loving mother, my doting father, a caring husband/wife and beautiful respecting kids. How will I tolerate the loss of my best friends that I met and cared for over the years of my life? All my accomplishments, a house built with such hard work. All will be lost in one stroke. May be I won't even get a chance to bid them a goodbye. Who knows ? Oh! Lord how can you be so cruel ? Why do I have to undergo such trouble? What wrong have I done ?

Please I don't want to go throught this trouble again & again. thinking about it is so frightening. I dont wanna experience death again.
the question is Do You?

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