Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Problem-free Zone - Spiritual Sky

Hope yesterday's post evoked some thinking. Well if it did, then its a great thing. But if it didn't, its ok. We can't expect to suddenly become serious about life's happiness which we disregarded for so long.

One Thing is here we are not denying that these 4 are the only problems. What I wanted to convey was that even if one makes not a single wrong move in one's entire lifetime, he may escape all the problems but these 4 problems never cease to afflict that person. Its like these 4 are default miseries which are bound to happen, whether you do anything or not. So our aim should be towards removing these 4 default problems. Rest all are byproducts of these 4 only.

Anyways. We talked about doing something wrong like the thief did, which lead to our ultimate misfortune.

May be we are in this world ---> reason for our suffering. Now what to do? But then where else to go ?

If we carefully study Bhagwad Gita, Sri Krishna speaks of his abode which is full of bliss and full of eternality.

na tad bhasayate suryo
na sasanko na pavakah
yad gatva na nivartante
tad dhama paramam mama

That abode of Mine is not illumined by the sun or moon, nor by electricity. One who reaches it never returns to this material world.

avyakto 'ksara ity uktas
tam ahuh paramam gatim
yam prapya na nivartante
tad dhama paramam mama

That supreme abode is called unmanifested and infallible, and it is the supreme destination. When one goes there, he never comes back. That is My supreme abode.

So we are like fish out of water. As the lord describes his abode and then our abode. We see the difference. So due to some reason we have come to this world and now suffering the reactions. And so long we put up in this world we are bound to suffer at least the four miseries. The solution is to go back to our real home. And Sri krishna is giving us an open invitation. The intelligence is in accepting it and solving the problem forever.

Brahma - the first living entity to be born in this material creation in his prayers to Sri Krishna describes his supreme abode as

śriyaḥ kāntāḥ kāntaḥ parama-puruṣaḥ kalpa-taravo
drumā bhūmiś cintāmaṇi-gaṇa-mayi toyam amṛtam
kathā gānaḿ nāṭyaḿ gamanam api vaḿśī priya-sakhi
cid-ānandaḿ jyotiḥ param api tad āsvādyam api ca
sa yatra kṣīrābdhiḥ sravati surabhībhyaś ca su-mahān
nimeṣārdhākhyo vā vrajati na hi yatrāpi samayaḥ
bhaje śvetadvīpaḿ tam aham iha golokam iti yaḿ
vidantas te santaḥ kṣiti-virala-cārāḥ katipaye


I worship that transcendental seat, known as Śvetadvīpa where as loving consorts the Lakṣmīs in their unalloyed spiritual essence practice the service of the Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa as their only lover; 1where every tree is a transcendental purpose tree;2 where the soil is the purpose gem, 3all water is nectar, every word is a song, every gait is a dance, the flute is the favorite attendant, effulgence is full of transcendental bliss and 4the supreme spiritual entities are all enjoyable and tasty, where5 numberless milk cows always emit transcendental oceans of milk; where 6there is eternal existence of transcendental time, who is ever present and without past or future and hence is not subject to the quality of passing away even for the space of half a moment. That realm is known as Goloka only to a very few self-realized souls in this world.

Is it intelligent to change homes to a distant place just to solve these problems. Whats the guarantee? But if we are ready to go to The Europe, The Americas just in search of a few more dollars and few Euros, trying to lead a distess-free enjoyable life. Where's the guarantee ?

At least in the former case, the Owner of that place is guaranteeing. And he is none other than Krishna, the God, the father, the source, the only truth. Inlatter case its not even sure whether we'll be able to make it or not ?

So if we could somehow bring ourselves to achieve that abode, its confirmed by the lord that we'll never ever be afflicted by any misery.
Thats our only relief and only solution.

Any contention ? Write back!!!!!

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