Thursday, May 24, 2007


Today is the day we'll finish off with the last problem of life.

To remind you, we are discussing How to achieve absolute/ultimate happiness.
The first step: Identify the problems/ causes of distress.
Under this we have already discussed 1. Birth 2. Death 3. Old Age.

Today we'll try to understand the last main problem.

4) Disease

Who's not fallen into this one. Everyone of us has experienced this problem in some form or other. Major or minor.
From toothache to bruises , stomach pains to nauseating head aches.
In childhood itself we face the dangers of pneumonia, chicken pox, TB, polio.
We were lucky that we were born in families that helped us overcome these diseases and prevented any major damage.

Can anyone of us pick one point of time when each part of body was saying "I am OK!" There's always that li'l finger or ear or leg, a skin rash, sore throat.
Something is there.

We so proudly declare that we have almost made polio and plague disappear from the face of this world.
But what about the invitation we gave to AIDS, Cancer, Obesity, Heart Aches, and so many STDs. Where were these when the easrlier extinct diseases had their monopoly.

Nobody is safe from diseases. No matter how virtuous or sinner one is. No matter how health conscious one is. No matter how lazy and careless one is.
Everyone has to undergo the ill-reactions of the body. No exception.

Concluding, Krishna has said,
janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi duhkha-dosanudarsanam (BG 13.9)
i.e "intelligent person is one who perceives the evil of birth, death, old age and disease".
So I hope now all of us are almost intelligent. If there's some contention, get back or consult Bhagwad Gita - The complete source of knowledge.

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